Shipping and Returns
Return Policy
At Surya Brasil, it is important to us that our customers are completely satisfied with our products. If you have any problems or questions concerning your order or are dissatisfied for any reason upon arrival, please contact us at (877) 997-8792 or before taking any further steps. We will either replace the item or issue a refund.
You may return new, unopened items (excluding soon-to-expire or promotional items) sold and fulfilled by the Surya Nature website within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. We cannot process any refund without prior communication.
Surya Brasil does not offer direct exchanges. If you would like a different item, we kindly ask that you return the merchandise unopened for a refund and place a new order for the preferred item(s) at your earliest convenience. For assistance with the return process, please contact us at (877) 997-8792 or
Shipping Policy
We strive to process and deliver your order as quickly as possible. Shipping is available within the United States mainland (excluding PO Boxes). Once your order is placed, we will provide an estimated delivery date based on product availability, the selected shipping method, and the destination. Please allow an additional one to two business days for internal processing.
Shipping charges are calculated based on the total order value, excluding applicable sales tax. If you have any questions regarding shipping, please feel free to contact us through the Contact Us page.